Racoon Set
Verts - 1,467
Edges - 2,888
Faces - 1,424
Tris - 2,768
Bones - 14
Meshes - 2
Mats - 1
1. You must credit SteadySniper with a link to my store if used commercially.
2. You may not use it as a booster asset.
3. Don't claim as your own.
4. Do not under any circumstance share with anyone else unless you have permission from me.
5. This asset can not be used on a free model.
6. If used commercially make sure they buyer understands that they are not allowed to use the asset unless they've purchased it from me.
7. Allowed for public avatars in vrchat.
8. Refunds are not allowed since this is a digital product.
Head model by Starlynn
Body model by Zinpia
Hair model by Nessy
Ears - Tail - 18 Texs - Maps
457 MB
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